
Do Good Data 2015

I’m super thrilled to be speaking at Do Good Data 2015 this May! This is the third year for the conference, and it’s been improving and growing every year. It’s a great conference for nonprofit professionals who are interested in learning more about data, how to collect it, and how to analyze it. This year’s Do Good Data 2015

The graduate

Last weekend, I received my Masters of Public Administration from the University of Illinois at Chicago – or rather, I should say, I received a nice leather folder with an advertisement for purchasing graduation photos inside of it.

The Setup

I have a rather strange, stalkerish obsession with reading about the tools that people use to get work done. Lifehacker’s How I Work series and The Setup enable this obsession by letting me geek out about what computers and gadgets and knickknacks people (mostly in tech) are using to do stuff. Someday, the fine people The Setup